The F-X bootleg A-Side label



There are three main ways to tell the difference between an original copy and a bootleg copy.

1: The last segment of the banner which is at the top of the label is missing it's lines. See above. On the original, the whole banner is in full.

2: The tracks are pressed on the wrong way around. IE, the B-Side tracks are on the A-Side and the A-Side track is on the B-Side.

3: The original pressing has a slight raised edge around the edge of the label with the anti-slip turrets. These are not very pronounced like other releases but they are there. On the bootleg copy, there is none!!


As to the actual picture sleeve, the bootleg copies are exact apart from they look to white! But after ten years or so, this will change and you won't be able to tell the difference!


The F-X original A-Side label



©Detour Records